Gold Tip Hammer
Per Head.
Fimbriaphyllia paraancora
One of the three primary Euphyllia corals, together with Torches and Frogspawns, is the Hammer coral. When compared to the tips of torch and frogspawn corals, the hammer-shaped tips of hammer corals are very wide. Hammer corals require similar maintenance to other Euphyllia; they prefer a medium flow, medium light environment, a slightly unclean tank, and an abundance of nutrients. Wall hammers and branching hammers are the two primary categories of hammers. The Wall variant frequently has brighter and more eye-catching patterning and is larger but grows more slowly than other varieties. Often, the Branching type has smaller heads that develop more quickly and can be fragged. Both types of hammer corals have stunning hues, such as orange, gold, blue.
Per Head.
Fimbriaphyllia paraancora
One of the three primary Euphyllia corals, together with Torches and Frogspawns, is the Hammer coral. When compared to the tips of torch and frogspawn corals, the hammer-shaped tips of hammer corals are very wide. Hammer corals require similar maintenance to other Euphyllia; they prefer a medium flow, medium light environment, a slightly unclean tank, and an abundance of nutrients. Wall hammers and branching hammers are the two primary categories of hammers. The Wall variant frequently has brighter and more eye-catching patterning and is larger but grows more slowly than other varieties. Often, the Branching type has smaller heads that develop more quickly and can be fragged. Both types of hammer corals have stunning hues, such as orange, gold, blue.
Per Head.
Fimbriaphyllia paraancora
One of the three primary Euphyllia corals, together with Torches and Frogspawns, is the Hammer coral. When compared to the tips of torch and frogspawn corals, the hammer-shaped tips of hammer corals are very wide. Hammer corals require similar maintenance to other Euphyllia; they prefer a medium flow, medium light environment, a slightly unclean tank, and an abundance of nutrients. Wall hammers and branching hammers are the two primary categories of hammers. The Wall variant frequently has brighter and more eye-catching patterning and is larger but grows more slowly than other varieties. Often, the Branching type has smaller heads that develop more quickly and can be fragged. Both types of hammer corals have stunning hues, such as orange, gold, blue.